Source code for distest

import argparse
import sys

from .bot import DiscordInteractiveInterface, DiscordCliInterface
from .collector import TestCollector
from .TestInterface import TestInterface

[docs]def run_dtest_bot(sysargs, test_collector, timeout=5): """ This is the function you will call in your test suite's ``if __name__ == "__main__":`` statement to get the bot started. :param list sysargs: The list returned by ``sys.argv``, this function parses it and will handle errors in format :param TestCollector test_collector: The :ref:`TestCollector` that has been used to decorate the tests :param int timeout: An optional parameter to override the amount of time to wait for responses before failing tests. Defaults to 5 seconds. """ from distest.validate_discord_token import token_arg all_run_options = ["all"] for i in test_collector._tests: all_run_options.append( parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="A small library used to write automated unit tests for Discord bots. " "Has 2 modes, Interactive and CLI. " "If you include -c, the bot will expect to be used in CLI mode. " "See the github wiki for more info" ) required = parser.add_argument_group("Always Required Arguments") required.add_argument( "bot_target", metavar="target_bot_user", type=int, nargs=1, help="The client ID of the target bot.", ) required.add_argument( "bot_token", metavar="tester_bot_token", type=token_arg, nargs=1, help="The bot token for the testing bot (this bot).", ) cli_only = parser.add_argument_group("CLI Only") cli_only.add_argument( "--channel", "-c", metavar="channel", type=int, nargs=1, help="The channel ID that the tests should be occurring in (CLI) " "or the ID to send the awake message to (Interactive)", dest="channel", ) run_stats_group = cli_only.add_mutually_exclusive_group() run_stats_group.add_argument( "--run", "-r", type=str, choices=all_run_options, help="Runs the bot in run mode, equivalent to ::run <option>. " "Options are listed, they are the tests declared in the bot and the three default options." "Required for the bot to be run in CLI mode, if using in Interactive mode, don't specify this", ) run_stats_group.add_argument( "--stats", "-s", action="store_true", help="Runs the bot in stats mode, outputting the last runs stats. " "Equivalent to ::stats", ) parser.add_argument( "--timeout", "-t", type=int, nargs=1, help="Changes the timeout (in seconds) on tests before they are assumed to have failed. " "Default is 5 sec.", ) sysargs.pop(0) # Pops off the first arg (the filename that is being run) clean_args = vars(parser.parse_args(sysargs)) # Makes the changing of the timeout optional if clean_args.get("timeout") is not None: timeout = clean_args.get("timeout")[0] # Controls whether or not the bot is run in CLI mode based on the parameters present if clean_args["run"] is not None: # If --run is present, the bot should be in CLI mode print("In CLI mode") run_command_line_bot( clean_args.get("bot_target")[0], clean_args.get("bot_token")[0], clean_args.get("run"), clean_args.get("channel")[0], clean_args.get("stats"), test_collector, timeout, ) else: print("Not in CLI mode") run_interactive_bot( clean_args.get("bot_target")[0], clean_args.get("bot_token")[0], test_collector, timeout, )
[docs]def run_interactive_bot(target_name, token, test_collector, timeout=5): """ Run the bot in interactive mode. Relies on :py:func:`run_dtest_bot` to parse the command line arguments and pass them here. Not really meant to be called by the user. :param str target_name: The display name of the bot we are testing. :param str token: The tester's token, used to log in. :param TestCollector test_collector: The collector that gathered our tests. :param int timeout: The amount of time to wait for responses before failing tests. """ bot = DiscordInteractiveInterface(target_name, test_collector, timeout) # Starts the bot
[docs]def run_command_line_bot(target, token, tests, channel_id, stats, collector, timeout): """ Start the bot in command-line mode. The program will exit 1 if any of the tests failed. Relies on :py:func:`run_dtest_bot` to parse the command line arguments and pass them here. Not really meant to be called by the user. :param str target: The display name of the bot we are testing. :param str token: The tester's token, used to log in. :param str tests: List of tests to run. :param int channel_id: The ID of the channel in which to run the tests. :param bool stats: Determines whether or not to display stats after run. :param TestCollector collector: The collector that gathered our tests. :param int timeout: The amount of time to wait for responses before failing tests. """ m_bot = DiscordCliInterface(target, collector, tests, channel_id, stats, timeout) failed = # returns True if a test failed sys.exit(1 if failed else 0) # Calls sys.exit based on the state of `failed`