.. _interface: Interface ========= This is the most important class in the library for you, as it contains all the assertions and tools you need to interface with the library. Generally broken down into a few overall types: * Message (i.e. :py:meth:`assert_message_contains `): Does not send it's own message, so it require a :py:class:`Message ` to be passed in. * Reply (i.e. :py:meth:`assert_reply_contains `): Sends a message containing the text in `contents` and analyzes messages sent after that. * Use :py:meth:`get_delayed_reply ` to wait an amount of time before checking for a reply * Embed (i.e. :py:meth:`assert_embed_equals `): Sends a message then checks the embed of the response against a list of attributes * Other Tests (i.e. :py:meth:`ask_human `): Some tests do weird things and don't have a clear category. * Interface Functions (i.e. :py:meth:`connect `, :py:meth:`send_message `): Help other tests but also can be useful in making custom tests out of the other tests. ----------------------------------- .. todo:: Re-organize this file more sensibly .. autoclass:: distest.TestInterface :no-private-members: :members: ---------------------------------- .. _test: .. autoclass:: distest.TestInterface.Test :members: